Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly-asked questions here

Yes! Even if you have health insurance or Medicare, UBURx can still help you control your prescription drug costs and find prices that are lower than your typical co-pay.

You can use your UBURx card instead of your prescription insurance, medicare, or medicaid if the cost is lower. However, UBURx cannot be combined with your insurance or any federal or state-funded program such as Medicare or Medicaid. UBURx is not insurance. You can use either your insurance or UBURx, but they cannot be used together at the same time.

If you have insurance or Medicare and would like to use UBURx for a prescription, you will need to ask your pharmacist to process your prescription using your UBURx card instead of your insurance.

When you purchase a prescription using your card, the amount you pay will not automatically be applied towards your deductible or donut hole.  You may want to contact your insurance company to find out if you can submit receipts for prescriptions purchased using UBURx. Many insurance plans will allow you to submit receipts for potential reimbursement and/or credit toward your deductible and other policy limits. You may not, however, submit the cost of your UBURx membership fee for reimbursement.

If you want to compare UBURx prices with your insurance and you don’t already know your co-pay, you can often use your insurance provider’s website to look up what you will pay for a prescription.

UBURx members save up to 90% on their prescriptions. You’ll find the maximum savings on prescriptions for generic medications, which account for more than 85% of the prescriptions in the U.S.

  • UBURx helps consumers save up to 90% on their prescriptions. You’ll find the maximum savings on prescriptions for generic medications, which account for more than 85% of the prescriptions in the U.S.